Smart City Index

Smart City Index

The Global Smart City Index finds the world's smartest cities by looking at how they use new technologies to make their present and future more sustainable and liveable for their citizens.

The researchers determined the factors that determine how technologically advanced and environmentally friendly a city is and rated the locations accordingly. They got information from the World Bank, the Economist, the International Monetary Fund, and The Lancet.

The researchers considered four crucial factors to assess the innovativeness of each location.

  • Initially, they analyzed the digital life of each city by determining the degree of technology adoption by the population, the government, and the healthcare industry. They also looked at how successful and well-known the technical schools in each city were.
  • The researchers then concentrated on mobility innovation. To accomplish this, they evaluated the innovativeness of each city's parking solutions, the overall traffic management system, including public transportation, and the cleanliness of the city's transport.
  • The study then considered each city's business technology infrastructure. The level of business innovation, the number of ePayments, and the quality of internet connections were measured in each location.
  • Lastly, they looked at how green each city was by looking at how much green energy was used, how many green buildings were there, how waste was handled, and how the city was responding to climate change and making plans.

The 2021 Smart City Report

The Smart City Index (SCI) ranks 118 cities based on how their residents think technology can improve their quality of life and on economic and social data from the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI).

The third annual IMD-SUTD Smart City Index (SCI) showed that the pandemic and how it has sped up the digital transformation have significantly affected how city residents see the role of technology in solving urban problems.

Singapore was in first place, followed by Zurich in second and Oslo in third (3rd). Lausanne and Geneva were ranked fifth and eighth, respectively, out of the top ten cities in Switzerland.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic's findings, this year illuminated the tectonic shifts that have disrupted global supply chains and organizational structures.

2022 Smart City Report

The first version of the DCI ranks 30 global cities based on 17 indicators and 48 sub-indicators across four thematic pillars: connectivity, services, culture, and sustainability. The top-performing cities are Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Beijing, London, and Seoul, with London and Seoul tied for fourth place.

21st Nov 2022

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