
Newton per Square Metre (N/m2)

Newtons/Square Meter is a unit that shows how the pascal unit is derived from other SI units. Pressure is defined as Force/Area and the SI unit for Force is newtons (N) and the SI unit for Area is Sq

Meters (m²). 1 newton per square metre equals 1 pascal.
The N/m² pressure unit is one of the few units that clearly describes what pressure represents in its name symbol. Although it is not generally used to describe a pressure reading, it can be useful for calculating the force required to generate a certain pressure.

For example if you know the cross sectional area of the inside of a hydraulic ram cylinder (sqm), you can then calculate the required force (N) to generate a particular pressure in pascals (Pa) by multiplying the two together.

Alternatively you can calculate the hydraulic ram area size (m²) needed by dividing the available Force (N) by the Pressure (Pa) or determine the pressure (N/m²) produced by the hydraulic system by dividing the Force (N) by the Hydraulic ram area (m²).

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