Microsensor Submersible Level Transmitter MPM426WS Series
Submersible Level Transmitter
• 350m~2000mH2O
• -20…0~10…80℃
• Deep-water Application
The Level Transmitter for Industrial automation
The Microsensor MPM426WS Series is a full welded, full sealed and submersible diffusion silicon instrument for level and temperature measurement. It uses a high stable and reliable piezo-resistive OEM pressure sensor and a PT1000 temperature sensor with a high-performance signal processing circuit mounted in stainless steel housing. Meanwhile, the product adopts double-way sealing with special rubber rings and the sealing and locking line are separated in order to improve the sealing degree. The cavity is filled with high-vacuum water-resistance and mineral oil-resistance sealing silicone so that the leading-out terminal can be fully sealed and insulated. It is especially suitable for measurement of oil and gas in deep well.
Main Applications
- Hydrological explorationt
- Metallurgical industry
- Power plant
- Mines
- Oil and gas in deep well
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0mH2O ~ 350mH2O…2000mH2O
-20℃ …0℃ ~ 10℃ …80℃;
≤2 times FS or 2200mH2O (minimum value is valid)
Pressure Type
sealed gauge, absolute
±0.5%FS (pressure); ±2℃ (temperature)
Zero Thermal Drift
≤ ±0.02% FS/℃
Span Thermal Drift
≤ ±0.05% FS/℃
Long-term Stability
≤ ±0.2% FS/ year
Power Supply
12V~30V DC
Application Temperature
-20℃ ~ 80℃
Storage Temperature
-40℃ ~ 100℃
10g, 55Hz ~ 2000Hz
100g, 11ms
Protection Rating
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