Special Level Sensors for Water Wells
Measuring the water level of wells is essential and provides us with valuable information about the behavior of wells and pumping equipment. With the help of the data obtained from this work, we can avoid breakdowns and costly repairs. In addition to measuring the water level, measuring the water flow is also very important.
Pumping equipment usually can't withstand immersion in water. The measurements taken through a pressure sensor can be used as a basis for programming a frequency converter thru a PLC (programmable logic controller). So, the pumping equipment keeps itself from level fluctuations by adjusting the discharge flow.
Special sensors for measuring dynamic and static levels of water in wells:
These special level sensors are capable of recording data and have a modified form of remote transmitters. Such transmitters facilitate the transmission of measurement results and alarms in accordance with under criteria, thus decreasing the complexity and cost of data monitoring. These transmitters transmit information through LoRa, FTP, email, and SMS.

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